meet leo green, psi talent... observe as he explores a strange mapping anomaly around the salem academy. marvel as he breaks and enters into a dingy house on grimauld place and chats up a portrait. be amazed as he helps exonerate escaped prisoner sirius black... watch as harry potter's destiny takes a slight left from what was planned (for the greater good)
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
meet leo green, psi talent... observe as he explores a strange mapping anomaly around the salem academy. marvel as he breaks and enters into a dingy house on grimauld place and chats up a portrait. be amazed as he helps exonerate escaped prisoner sirius black... watch as harry potter's destiny takes a slight left from what was planned (for the greater good)
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.