Harry Potter: Other People's Magic (Power!RavenClaw Harry)
What if surviving that Halloween night left Harry with less magic of his
own, but with other abilities instead? Follow Ravenclaw Harry as he
learns to borrow and command the magic and energy he sees all around
him. A different Powerful! Harry tale.
I'm of two minds with recommending this one. I'm enjoying it a lot but I know PowerHarry! can get on people's nerves. For a detailed (spoiler) summary, read below.
For me, the good points are:
Things which are irritating:So yes, mileage may vary. But I'm enjoying it.
What if surviving that Halloween night left Harry with less magic of his
own, but with other abilities instead? Follow Ravenclaw Harry as he
learns to borrow and command the magic and energy he sees all around
him. A different Powerful! Harry tale.
I'm of two minds with recommending this one. I'm enjoying it a lot but I know PowerHarry! can get on people's nerves. For a detailed (spoiler) summary, read below.
For me, the good points are:
Things which are irritating:So yes, mileage may vary. But I'm enjoying it.