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[dskswdyhms][HALP!] Musically Driven Muse, and other things...
Quote:The other... well, I'm considering dropping Melon from the cast as well as all the other Akikan stuff in favor of Rocket Girls and Matsuri Morita.
Using the Wikipeadia article as a basis... I'm going to declare gibberish on that.  Seriously, Armslaves are a fact of life.  The tech level is two or four generation beyond current day... for the civies.  Adding a weak sauce Japanese space program that for no real reason can't get rocket tech equivalent to late 60's America... so somehow this five to ten tech generations behind Space Program of Japan gets apparently massive funding and manages to produce something that can't lift a single random satalite into space... then get permission to build it.  Very much an W-T-F?  Thing if I ever saw one.  Your going to have to justify a whole lot of stuff to slap into the timeline logically.
Speaking of logic... wouldn't justifying that kind of thing pretty much require a Whispered being behind it?  Which makes the weigh issue, the driving force apparently driving the Rocket Girl's back story, largely nonsensical.  Even worse if you up age them to Zeke's age.  Then comes the why don't you just use midgets questions?  You can use those for more that one or two flights as well.  they don't size or weight up by definition.  Basically, the plot behind Rocket Girls implodes if you try to mesh it into the existing story.  Either from logic failure or from gutting drama. (at least from the story as described by Wiki.)
Then we have how the rest of the cast sees this.  Zeke get a lolly stalker who is trying to be the maniger/participant in his harem.  Not seeing what this adds to the story.  Rei and Lum are creeped out... Sailor Scouts combined attack: Tease Bombardment.  Lum is likely to get creeped out and look for a way to remove her.  Granted more likely to if she shows up first year than second.
Then you have to realise how easily the Rocket Girls' back story is warped by perception or maybe truth.  Lets try adding in the RG canon as is:  See there is this corporation and it wants to make a Japanese Space Program.  Only their strangely bad at it.  So bad they decide that rather than asking for help from Japan's ally that has their own space program going on for 40 or 50 years now... they are going to do it from scratch.  Somehow despite drawing up plans that fail be able to send up a single satalight, due to ridiculous (for a viable product) levels of inability to carry mass of any substancal level, it gets funding.  Which is drying up do to the massive singularity of fail this project generates.
Rather than fixing this on the drawing board they instead decide build it and 'solve' problem by using 12 year old girls... which again due to being a bad design require paper thin skin tight fetish gear as uniforms.  Then they do embarassing apparently medical exams, likely filmed and archived for historical purposes, and train them to be in their death trap.  That they will likely outgrow the weight restrictions in one to three flights is made irrelivant as they apparently aren't destined to have enough fuel to get back in the first place.
So now lets stick the canon into the most likely spot in the current back [dskswdyhms] story as is.  I mean the logical entry point from Wiki is Lum and Zeke decide the tragedy in progress on TV (bad press is better than no press at all, and it can be played up for funding to do better next time) is made of stupid and go pick up the girls in space at the end of their series.  Again, drama kill leading to Lolly stalker for Zeke.
Now less assume Golden Darkness makes it into the story... she hears and explaination of how some coroporation did experiments, illogical, unethical, probably illegal experiments that resulted in the under aged girls in fetish gear in what is effectively a stuff film/reality TV show (apparently unintentionally one but still)... only unlike her the girls are the snuffies instead of the snuffers...
So then the screaming begins.
I repeat that I haven't seen the series... but from the Wiki I can't figure out how any of it meshes into the [dskswdyhms] verse.  With Akikan you have one of Amalgams leaders old college wingman turning out to be Whispered... one that works for the Japanese government and is tasked with an inane task of deciding if steel or aluminum cans should be the standard.  Something he accomplishes with style.  Deranged style, but style.  Add in a few cameras and he actually makes the country money solving said inane issue.  That this involves Whispered and an unusual application of magic  makes it mesh into things well.
In short... ignoring the characters... how the hell does Rocket Girls actually logically work into this story?
For Chobits it won't hit until Second Raid does... and I don't see a conflict.
Edit: Just for the record, a cross between say GateKeepers and RG would work.   This mix will be either Golden Darkness offing most of RG's cast and their funders or making the story of RG completely rewritten.

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[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 10-28-2010, 07:39 PM
[No subject] - by Jorlem - 10-28-2010, 10:41 PM
[No subject] - by Necratoid - 10-28-2010, 11:57 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 10-29-2010, 05:43 AM
[No subject] - by Jorlem - 10-29-2010, 09:02 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 10-29-2010, 02:16 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 10-30-2010, 03:55 PM
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[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 11-02-2010, 03:46 AM
[No subject] - by paladindythe - 11-02-2010, 09:23 AM
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