I understand the point about 4 dimensions... I mean we are all moving forward through time, but we have no real control over it. We just follow the arrow that says Go That Way. We might be able to make it go a little faster or slower depending on relativity, but that's really about it. Time is really funny... because even a point moving along a line would be aware of the time taken to get from start to finish then. Even if it stands still, it's still moving forward in time.
If I sit here and do nothing. I've still moved in the 4th dimension. I know I'm a second ahead of where I was a second ago, and I can remember where I was a second ago. At the same time, everything else around me is also moving through time. The beer can that is steadily being drank beside me. If I just ignore it, it happily moves forward through time on it's own, etching out it's own timeline. I pick up a three dimensional intersection of that timeline, and move it away so it doesn't spill on my computer. I've moved it in three dimensions.... and I can only move it in three dimensions. The fourth dimension is moving forward of it's own accord.
My own awareness is a snapshot of time right now... along with my memory which is a function of all the other previous snapshots, which also changes with every new snapshot. I forget things all the time. I forgot where I was going with that analogy. We carry a recollection of our previous states, but we're not able to actually change where we are in time, or change what part of time we actually perceive. There's only 'now'.
My First thought about what a real fourth dimensional being would be, would be the Tralfamadorians of Slaughterhouse 5, able to exist in any moment along their lifespan that they so chose. Or maybe Doctor Manhattan of Watchmen, perceiving the past, present and future simultaneously.
We're not perceiving the past... just recalling it in the now. And by recalling that there is a past, we're aware that we're moving through the Fourth Dimension. It's a neat little trick. (And just triggered an idea)
Maybe I'm missing the point. This is a little beyond my normal area of thinking and then some. It took me two hours just to get this post out to this point.
Necratoid. That is a staggeringly cool idea. I don't think I'd be able to pull it off half as well as it demands. What I was thinking off, was that the Dead Sea Scrolls were the result of somebody catching an echo of the previous loop when they were still reasonably fresh, and writing it all down.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
If I sit here and do nothing. I've still moved in the 4th dimension. I know I'm a second ahead of where I was a second ago, and I can remember where I was a second ago. At the same time, everything else around me is also moving through time. The beer can that is steadily being drank beside me. If I just ignore it, it happily moves forward through time on it's own, etching out it's own timeline. I pick up a three dimensional intersection of that timeline, and move it away so it doesn't spill on my computer. I've moved it in three dimensions.... and I can only move it in three dimensions. The fourth dimension is moving forward of it's own accord.
My own awareness is a snapshot of time right now... along with my memory which is a function of all the other previous snapshots, which also changes with every new snapshot. I forget things all the time. I forgot where I was going with that analogy. We carry a recollection of our previous states, but we're not able to actually change where we are in time, or change what part of time we actually perceive. There's only 'now'.
My First thought about what a real fourth dimensional being would be, would be the Tralfamadorians of Slaughterhouse 5, able to exist in any moment along their lifespan that they so chose. Or maybe Doctor Manhattan of Watchmen, perceiving the past, present and future simultaneously.
We're not perceiving the past... just recalling it in the now. And by recalling that there is a past, we're aware that we're moving through the Fourth Dimension. It's a neat little trick. (And just triggered an idea)
Maybe I'm missing the point. This is a little beyond my normal area of thinking and then some. It took me two hours just to get this post out to this point.
Necratoid. That is a staggeringly cool idea. I don't think I'd be able to pull it off half as well as it demands. What I was thinking off, was that the Dead Sea Scrolls were the result of somebody catching an echo of the previous loop when they were still reasonably fresh, and writing it all down.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?