Epsilon Wrote:Nanoha A's and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.Wasn't there a character in FFTA that was trapped in a wheelchair, but could walk in Ivalice? (and was a ninja or something?)
A lonely child gets a magical book which promises to solve all her problems and gives her the friends she always needed... and then gets another book which also promises to solve all her problems...
Uh-oh, looks like its a magical reality-changing book territory fight, with poor Nanoha caught in the middle. Well, at least she's made a whole bunch of new friends in the TSAB Guild...
One book gave her friends, the other let her walk. Yeah, Hayate isn't going to want to go back.
Also, wouldn't this drop Nanoha into the role of the game's villain protagonist?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.