Though I haven't seen Rocket Girls, I do understand that they are trained as engineers enough to repair the ship in flight. They have to know enough technobabble type stuff to at least explain the basics of how their stuff works. Add in something as important... they know what works. Knowing end goals that are possible, makes for research paths that lead somewhere. If you want for ideas on how little things inspire people to make stuff, try the documentary called, 'How William Shatner changed the Universe'. It explains how watching Star Trek altered engineering history. From how a frustrated guy sitting at home waiting for a phone call invented the cell after seeing ST communicators, to how the FX budget saving medical tricorder inspired the MRI... to how crazy it drove the cast to get endless mail demanding to know how those automatic doors worked. Two guys pulling, one on each side. Little things inspire people to make stuff.
Anyway, according to wikipedia, I Dream of Jeanie came out in '65, so time line accordingly.
Anyway, according to wikipedia, I Dream of Jeanie came out in '65, so time line accordingly.