Timeline for a Star Trek Online/Mass Effect Fusion:
Modified timeline:
2060s: Flight of the Phoenix. While the Department of Temporal Affairs is hush on it, time travel may have been involved in the first flight of Cochrane's warp capable spaceship. First contact is made with the Vulcans (see codex entry), establishing humans were not alone in the universe.
2155: A routine survey of the Deneva system ends up with the S.S. Enterprise (NX-01, see Codex Entry: Archer, Jonathan) encountering a fleet numbering 35,000 ships. An emergency download from the alien ships allows realtime communication, and the aliens introduce themselves as the Quarian Migrant Fleet.
2163: Regular technological exchanges between the United Earth, Vulcans, Quarians, and Andorians lead to the knowledge of Citadel Space in another sector of the galaxy. The Quarians explain their exile, the loss of their homeworld, and their abandonment by the Council. The decision is made to not seek out the Council and to steer clear of Citadel controlled space. This is made possible due to relay maps given to the United Earth spacefleet.
2175: Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerites, and Quarians becoming the signing members of the United Federation of Planets.
2183: Battle of the Citadel. A Geth fleet, lead by the dreadnought Sovereign, attacks the Citadel. The dreadnought is destroyed by the combined forces of the Citadel defense fleet and three Turian divisions jumped in mid battle. Batarian Spectre Hor'i'to C'In kills the agent of Sovereign in the Council chambers. The Council makes plans to abandon the Citadel and shut it down. Batarians granted fourth seat on Council.
2203: U.S.S. Columbia lost when it passes through the Perseus Veil. Feros becomes new capital of Citadel Space.
2207: Mars is declared the Quarian homeworld-in-exile. Prothean ruins found and Charon Relay found. Decision is made after much deliberation to not activate the Charon relay. First Warp/Eezo drive test successful.
2228: Spock born on Vulcan. Desolas, future Turian fleetcommander, born.
2233: James Kirk born on Earth. Quarian task force encounters ship traveling through temporal wormhole, destroys it when it attacks. Saren born.
2261: U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 (see Codex entry, DoTI Entry, citations list) encounters a raiding party composed of so far unencountered aliens. The main backbone of the party is a race of large reptilian aliens which cosmetically resemble bipedal turtles. A quarian science officer on the Enterprise, Pas'Reegar nar Centus, identifies the aliens as Krogan.
2262: U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a second Krogan raiding party, lead by an older Krogan named Urdnot Wrex. Starfleet Intelligence finds out about the Genophage, which is confirmed by high ranking quarians in Starfleet Medical. A SI team is sent to a Krogan colony world, confirming the findings. Wrex agrees to work with Medical to find a way to cure it.
2267: U.S.S. Enterprise encounters Salarian STG team. After tense negotiations, the leader of the STG team agrees to allow exchange of information. Partial modification for Genophage (see Codex Entry: Krogan Uplift) created.
2280: Krogan Clans that agree to work with Federation given access to Genophage modification. Krogan Uplift project undertaken by Starfleet First Contact/Diplomatic branch, under protest of Admiral Daro'Xen vas Planitia. Mass education of younger Krogans for professions such as scientist, doctor, etc undertaken on Krogan colony worlds, with input by sympathetic STG teams.
2282: Krogan Empire founded. Urdnot Wrex is crowned, under protest, Emperor Wrex the First.
2293: Attack on krogan colony world of Khitomer by unknown parties (see Codex: Romulans) is repelled. Heavy bombardment of one atmospheric dome propels a Krogan hatchling in reinforced bulkhead out of system, where it lands on a Federation colony world two months later. The Krogan youngling is adopted by a married couple, who name him after his first word: Worz.
2315: Dr. Noonien Soong disappears when his ship crosses the Perseus Veil.
2328: Admiral Rael'Zorah vas Neema nar Olympos named Fleet Admiral, Starfleet, becoming the first Quarian to head Starfleet Operations.
2337: Dr. Soong emerges from the Perseus Veil. First Contact with the Geth Consensus established. Data on the Geth/Quarian connection is released, citing public backlash against Quarians. Dr. Soong's 'son,' the prototype Geth Mobile Platform named Legion, unveiled.
2343: First Contact with the Turians over Shanxi. Tense diplomatic talks not helped when portion of the Quarian Migrant Fleet (see Codex Entry: Third Division) warps in. Rael'Zorah gets into shouting match with Turian fleetcommander Desolas. Captain Urdnot Prag arrives with Krogan assistance fleet. That doesn't help, either.
2344: Turian Government publicly outraged by revelations that the Federation are responsible for the Krogan uplift and that the Migrant Fleet forms the backbone of Starfleet. First Contact war is averted by Asari intervention. Diplomatic relations between the Federation and Citadel Space established.
2348: U.S.S. Stargazer, under command of Captain Jean-luc Picard, encounters Volus.
2351: Legion-2 (see Codex Entry: Fleet Commodore Legion) enters Starfleet Academy.
2355: Worz enters Stafleet Academy.
2362: Worz and Legion-2 assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise-D. Legion becomes Second Officer. Worz becomes security chief. First encounter with extradimensional entity (see Codex Entry: Ascended/Eternal/Q.)
2364: First encounter with Collector vessel (see entry: Collective).
2366: Worz plugs warp core breach of Enterprise-D with own body. Given commendation and shore leave while burns heal.
2368: U.S.S. Orziba encounters turian task force under command of Council Spectre Saren. Ships come under attack by rogue Geth fleet (see Codex: Heretics). Saren saves life of Orziba Second Officer when Orziba is critically damaged. In escape pod with second officer, Saren is forced to help deliver her child when she goes into labor. Jane Shepard born.
2372: Batarian Hegemony abolishes slavery.
2373: U.S.S. Enterprise-D destroyed by rogue Krogan vessel working with insane alien scientist of indeterminate species. Minor casualities. Alien scientist is later found to have a similar DNA structure to Collectors, bringing up the possibility that he was a time-displaced Prothean.
2377: Legion-3 brought online when Legion-2 is destroyed stopping the insane Reman emperor Shinzon. It is quickly confirmed that Legion-3 is made up of all the programs that Legion-2 was made up of, and quickly reinstated at full rank as First Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-E.
2385: Captain Picard becomes ambassador to Vulcan. Legion-3 promoted to Captain of Enterprise-E. Legion's promotion coincides with his wedding.
2387: Worz becomes ambassador to Krogans. Urdnot Wrex celebrates 1000th birthday, followed by assassination attempt. Assassin, following passing through Wrex's digestion track, revealed to be shapeshifter.
2391: Collector Vessel enters Alpha Centauri system. It is disabled by a full task force. Analysis of occupants reveals that they are made of a diverse collection of supposedly extinct alien species, including Prothean, Preserver, El-Aurian, and others. Surviving member of the Collector crew identifies his species as the 'Collective.'
2393: Jane Shepard enters Starfleet Academy.
Modified timeline:
2060s: Flight of the Phoenix. While the Department of Temporal Affairs is hush on it, time travel may have been involved in the first flight of Cochrane's warp capable spaceship. First contact is made with the Vulcans (see codex entry), establishing humans were not alone in the universe.
2155: A routine survey of the Deneva system ends up with the S.S. Enterprise (NX-01, see Codex Entry: Archer, Jonathan) encountering a fleet numbering 35,000 ships. An emergency download from the alien ships allows realtime communication, and the aliens introduce themselves as the Quarian Migrant Fleet.
2163: Regular technological exchanges between the United Earth, Vulcans, Quarians, and Andorians lead to the knowledge of Citadel Space in another sector of the galaxy. The Quarians explain their exile, the loss of their homeworld, and their abandonment by the Council. The decision is made to not seek out the Council and to steer clear of Citadel controlled space. This is made possible due to relay maps given to the United Earth spacefleet.
2175: Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerites, and Quarians becoming the signing members of the United Federation of Planets.
2183: Battle of the Citadel. A Geth fleet, lead by the dreadnought Sovereign, attacks the Citadel. The dreadnought is destroyed by the combined forces of the Citadel defense fleet and three Turian divisions jumped in mid battle. Batarian Spectre Hor'i'to C'In kills the agent of Sovereign in the Council chambers. The Council makes plans to abandon the Citadel and shut it down. Batarians granted fourth seat on Council.
2203: U.S.S. Columbia lost when it passes through the Perseus Veil. Feros becomes new capital of Citadel Space.
2207: Mars is declared the Quarian homeworld-in-exile. Prothean ruins found and Charon Relay found. Decision is made after much deliberation to not activate the Charon relay. First Warp/Eezo drive test successful.
2228: Spock born on Vulcan. Desolas, future Turian fleetcommander, born.
2233: James Kirk born on Earth. Quarian task force encounters ship traveling through temporal wormhole, destroys it when it attacks. Saren born.
2261: U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 (see Codex entry, DoTI Entry, citations list) encounters a raiding party composed of so far unencountered aliens. The main backbone of the party is a race of large reptilian aliens which cosmetically resemble bipedal turtles. A quarian science officer on the Enterprise, Pas'Reegar nar Centus, identifies the aliens as Krogan.
2262: U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a second Krogan raiding party, lead by an older Krogan named Urdnot Wrex. Starfleet Intelligence finds out about the Genophage, which is confirmed by high ranking quarians in Starfleet Medical. A SI team is sent to a Krogan colony world, confirming the findings. Wrex agrees to work with Medical to find a way to cure it.
2267: U.S.S. Enterprise encounters Salarian STG team. After tense negotiations, the leader of the STG team agrees to allow exchange of information. Partial modification for Genophage (see Codex Entry: Krogan Uplift) created.
2280: Krogan Clans that agree to work with Federation given access to Genophage modification. Krogan Uplift project undertaken by Starfleet First Contact/Diplomatic branch, under protest of Admiral Daro'Xen vas Planitia. Mass education of younger Krogans for professions such as scientist, doctor, etc undertaken on Krogan colony worlds, with input by sympathetic STG teams.
2282: Krogan Empire founded. Urdnot Wrex is crowned, under protest, Emperor Wrex the First.
2293: Attack on krogan colony world of Khitomer by unknown parties (see Codex: Romulans) is repelled. Heavy bombardment of one atmospheric dome propels a Krogan hatchling in reinforced bulkhead out of system, where it lands on a Federation colony world two months later. The Krogan youngling is adopted by a married couple, who name him after his first word: Worz.
2315: Dr. Noonien Soong disappears when his ship crosses the Perseus Veil.
2328: Admiral Rael'Zorah vas Neema nar Olympos named Fleet Admiral, Starfleet, becoming the first Quarian to head Starfleet Operations.
2337: Dr. Soong emerges from the Perseus Veil. First Contact with the Geth Consensus established. Data on the Geth/Quarian connection is released, citing public backlash against Quarians. Dr. Soong's 'son,' the prototype Geth Mobile Platform named Legion, unveiled.
2343: First Contact with the Turians over Shanxi. Tense diplomatic talks not helped when portion of the Quarian Migrant Fleet (see Codex Entry: Third Division) warps in. Rael'Zorah gets into shouting match with Turian fleetcommander Desolas. Captain Urdnot Prag arrives with Krogan assistance fleet. That doesn't help, either.
2344: Turian Government publicly outraged by revelations that the Federation are responsible for the Krogan uplift and that the Migrant Fleet forms the backbone of Starfleet. First Contact war is averted by Asari intervention. Diplomatic relations between the Federation and Citadel Space established.
2348: U.S.S. Stargazer, under command of Captain Jean-luc Picard, encounters Volus.
2351: Legion-2 (see Codex Entry: Fleet Commodore Legion) enters Starfleet Academy.
2355: Worz enters Stafleet Academy.
2362: Worz and Legion-2 assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise-D. Legion becomes Second Officer. Worz becomes security chief. First encounter with extradimensional entity (see Codex Entry: Ascended/Eternal/Q.)
2364: First encounter with Collector vessel (see entry: Collective).
2366: Worz plugs warp core breach of Enterprise-D with own body. Given commendation and shore leave while burns heal.
2368: U.S.S. Orziba encounters turian task force under command of Council Spectre Saren. Ships come under attack by rogue Geth fleet (see Codex: Heretics). Saren saves life of Orziba Second Officer when Orziba is critically damaged. In escape pod with second officer, Saren is forced to help deliver her child when she goes into labor. Jane Shepard born.
2372: Batarian Hegemony abolishes slavery.
2373: U.S.S. Enterprise-D destroyed by rogue Krogan vessel working with insane alien scientist of indeterminate species. Minor casualities. Alien scientist is later found to have a similar DNA structure to Collectors, bringing up the possibility that he was a time-displaced Prothean.
2377: Legion-3 brought online when Legion-2 is destroyed stopping the insane Reman emperor Shinzon. It is quickly confirmed that Legion-3 is made up of all the programs that Legion-2 was made up of, and quickly reinstated at full rank as First Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-E.
2385: Captain Picard becomes ambassador to Vulcan. Legion-3 promoted to Captain of Enterprise-E. Legion's promotion coincides with his wedding.
2387: Worz becomes ambassador to Krogans. Urdnot Wrex celebrates 1000th birthday, followed by assassination attempt. Assassin, following passing through Wrex's digestion track, revealed to be shapeshifter.
2391: Collector Vessel enters Alpha Centauri system. It is disabled by a full task force. Analysis of occupants reveals that they are made of a diverse collection of supposedly extinct alien species, including Prothean, Preserver, El-Aurian, and others. Surviving member of the Collector crew identifies his species as the 'Collective.'
2393: Jane Shepard enters Starfleet Academy.