I doubt that the Griffon will reactivate because of CCBB. It's not Christine; it's a boomer. Plus, the sheer bashing it took in Revenge Road makes it a hunk of inanimate junk, not including whatever the ADP did to it after they stopped it. (If I were Leon, I would be putting an Earthshaker round through the engine block after it crashed, just to make sure.) It might wake back up if the Leon-A virus went to work on it, but it'd still have to repair itself from a total trashing. I don't think it's a project of reclamation for Linna, but rather a kind of trophy and/or memorial, in a form that goes with her gearhead sensitivities. But given the damage that the Griffon did, and the news that it probably made, it would be considered a little eccentric to own it.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."