Another bit from Dark Titans, this time chapter 35
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Quote:On the left monitor was a screen full of test questions that he might be asked in his upcoming exam.-----
Par Example:
The nuclear reactor you just saved is about to go critical. Do you:
A) Hack into the computer system and override the safety protocols to flood the reactor with coolant.
Hmmm, tempting, if he actually knew how to do that, or what half of those words even meant.
B) Leap into the reactor and absorb the excess radiation, thus preventing the meltdown.
Seriously? That sounded more insane than Ranma's 'Let's trick Happosai with magical incense' plan.
C) Envelope the reactor in a force field, containing the blast and minimizing damage to the surrounding city.
… Um … pass.
D) Tear the reactor of its moorings and throw it into space.
Oh, come on!
Who wrote this test? A quick scroll to the top of the mock test
answered that question: Co-authored by Batman, Captain Atom, Green
Lantern and Superman.
Well, doesn't that just figure?
Leaning back into his chair, he
reached under his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Maybe the big dogs were
getting a little set in their ways? Was it really too hard to put a
'Find a convenient scientist to help', option? Or a 'Go to ' to find out
how to shut it down?
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.