From the author of Cutting Loose in his One-Two shot Altered Preliminaries:
Ino convincing Shika to go along with her latest matchmaking scheme:
Of course the Sound team is hidden in the bushes and is getting not the wrong impression so much as an extreme one. The whole conversation between the members as they watch Sakura accidently pants Naruto and then deliberately does the same to the other of her team mates (purely to prove that Sasuke has to have better tackle of course) is an absolute scream - too long to put here but:
Ok, maybe I'm weird but I nearly laughed myself sick through the whole scene.
Ino convincing Shika to go along with her latest matchmaking scheme:
Quote:"You barely even have to do anything." Ino assured the lazy boy. "Just complain a lot and act like you don't want to be involved or even be having the conversation."Later:
"That shouldn't be hard." Shikamaru deadpanned.
Quote: "I just don't buy it Shikamaru; she's obviously playing with Naruto." Ino declared. Realizing that she was the topic of Ino's conversation, Sakura quickly hid behind the nearest tree to listen in. "You were there, you heard what she said and you could tell she meant every word of it, and now she thinks that stupid excuse and a pity date will make everything better?"And then there's this from The Many Misadventures of Sakura Haruno. (NSFW warning) Forest of Death after the other two are unconscious, Sakura notices the seal on Naruto due to the Snake Sannin's screwing around:
"Why do I have to listen to this?" Shikamaru complained.
"I mean, everyone knows she can barely stand the guy; she can't go five minutes without trying to beat the crap out of him." Ino continued, heedless of her companion's indifference to her ongoing rant.
"You know, maybe if Sakura wasn't always hitting Naruto in the head and killing his braincells he'd be smarter." Shikamaru idly commented. "Let's just hope she stops while he still remembers more words than 'believe it' and 'I'm gonna be Hokage.'"
That got a laugh out of Ino. "Nice one Shikamaru." Once Ino's amusement faded, she went back to her favorite pastime of ranting about Sakura. "So what do you think she said that finally pushed him over the edge anyway? After all the insults he just took from without doing anything about it she must have said something really nasty to set him off like that…"
"Who cares?" Shikamaru groaned.
"You know, Naruto's not such a bad guy really; yeah, he's an annoying little moron, but he certainly never did anything to deserve everything Sakura said to him." Ino paused in thought for a moment, and then said. "I really need to come up with a new nickname for her; Billboard Brow was good when that was her worst feature, but now it feels just a little lacking. I suppose I could always just add bitch onto the end of it…"
"Choji is so much less of a drag than you are."
"You know, you can tell Naruto doesn't really buy Sakura's story." Ino declared. "Sure, he's smiling and acting like his usual self, but you can tell that deep down he's still hurting. And the worst part is that Sakura's going to get away with it all, and all it took her was a story nobody really believes and a fake pity date. He really deserves better, but I guess he feels like he doesn't have any other friends so he has to put up with her, no matter how bad she is."
"Are you even listening to anything I say?" Shikamaru complained.
"Not a bit." Ino replied cheerfully.
Quote:With a start, Sakura realized that she couldn't quite see all of the design's on Naruto's stomach, as his pants covered up the bottom part of the mass of symbols. Curiosity fought a brief war with decency, and Sakura rationalized that she needed to inspect the rest of the symbol if she wanted any answers about Naruto's current condition. Maybe if she saw the whole design on Naruto's stomach she would be able to make sense of things and have an idea about how to treat his condition. She redoubled her fervent prayers that Naruto wouldn't wake up to find her yanking his pants down, even though it was only a couple inches, and added a prayer that nobody would happen across them in the next few minutesAnd:
Quote:With an enraged snarl, Sakura grabbed the waistband of Naruto's pants and yanked on them with all her might while practically shouting "Come off you stupid pants!". She had originally only planned to move the pants down a couple inches to see the rest of the design on Naruto's stomach, but her pissed-off full-strength yank pulled them clean off the boy's body, and the triumphant girl held them up over her head like some sort of trophy, celebrating her victory over stubborn, heavy, knocked out boys with pants that remained stubbornly in place. "Take that stupid pants that won't come off! You're no match for Sakura Haruno! CHA!"Sakura freaks out obviously:
Quote:So, Naruto and Sasuke could never know about any of this, which meant she would have to get all of his clothes back on him, and then do her best to forget that any of this had ever happened. "Dammit! I spent all that time getting his pants off, and now I have to put them back on again!"
Of course the Sound team is hidden in the bushes and is getting not the wrong impression so much as an extreme one. The whole conversation between the members as they watch Sakura accidently pants Naruto and then deliberately does the same to the other of her team mates (purely to prove that Sasuke has to have better tackle of course) is an absolute scream - too long to put here but:
Quote:"You know, Zaku's got a point." Kin unexpectedly agreed with her teammate. "I'm not comfortable just sitting in the woods watching her rape those guys either, it's just weird; we should leave."
"Seriously?" Dosu asked dully. "You want us to abandon an excellent strategic position and possibly compromise our entire mission and offend Orochimaru-sama just because you're feeling uncomfortable?"
"Yes." Zaku and Kin said almost simultaneously. "I'm just really uncomfortable watching boys be sexually molested and not doing anything about it." Zaku added.
"Is it because of Orochimaru-sama?" Kin asked sympathetically.
"I don't like to talk about it." Zaku said flatly.
"Is that why you ran away screaming when we saw that one-eyed snake earlier?" Kin inquired, still sounding very sympathetic to her teammate's plight.
Ok, maybe I'm weird but I nearly laughed myself sick through the whole scene.