In the MLP/Mystara thread on Spacebattles, Mr Biles posted an updated map of his version of Mystara, and it was noted that there is a Fort Boatmurdered, right next to the Elephant Forest (the fort is in Equestrian territory, the forest is outside it)
Someone asked why the Fort was in Pony territory, Jonen C gave this response:
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Someone asked why the Fort was in Pony territory, Jonen C gave this response:
Quote:Dude, if it's the boatmurdered dwarves, they'll build anywhere they set their minds to it.___________________________
As in: "We build our first fortess in a swamp. It sunk. So we build a second fortress on top of it. It fell over and sunk. The third one caught fire, fell over and sunk. The fourth one was overrun by giant ants, caught fire, and the foundation settled and cracked and by the time we realized why the contractors had already fled the country. Then it sank. The fifth one stayed up, but had a seventeen degree list to the northwest, so we put the torch to it and started over. The sixth go, though. That was glorious. It was overrun by elephants, filled up with miasma and gore, caught fire, but mark my words: It. Fucking. Stayed. Up. So we put that in the win column and sold it to the ponies and moved to the riviera. Sod the swamp."
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin