From the newest update to Sparkgate (SG-1/Girl Genius) ... count=1789
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin ... count=1789
Quote:Agatha hummed as she assembled the mass of transistors, wire, and batteries on her workbench. Jack wanted a honking ray gun? Why, she'd make one that sang the entire Storm King Saga, including the part with the roller-skating giraffe. The prospects appeared excellent for producing a death ray without using Rhadamanthys' nanoforge or naquadah. The basic components could be bought at any electronics wholesaler, instead fabricating them in a lab. Why, they even used minute quantities of a common death-ray fuel in smoke detectors. No-one would ever menace apple pie again.___________________________
Or Disneyland.
Agatha's gaze slid to the conceptual sketches drawn during the sleep-over.
No, no, she had to focus.
Absently, she sipped from the cup that had accompanied the pie. It was apparently tradition to have coffee with pie according to Jack. Hmmmph. Frankly, she preferred tea or a niceglassofcoldmilk. Shereallydidn'tunderstandwhatthebigdealwas. Nowtopreparethethoriumcoreforinsertionintotheaccelratorcoils. Acoilgunrollercoasterwouldbereallycool. Youcouldmaintainaccelarionfreeofgravityassist. Shehadtoworkondefendingearthfirst. ButWAIT
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin