From an Arpeggio of Blue Steel fanfic, Atlantic Thunder
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Quote:After an eternity, the fish was finally alongside the submarine, ready===========
to be scooped out of the water by the two girls. They extricated two
massive boathooks and barely managed to drop the swordfish on the
stretcher before falling over. Argo smiled, cut the line off the radar
mast, and went bellow, passing through the length of the ship on her way
to the torpedo room. The torpedo racks dominated the room, making it a
claustrophobic space in spite of the fact that there were empty spaces
here and there. One of them was just to the right of the internal hatch,
the perfect spot for the fish’s death throes.
“Alright, I’m directly under you. Try pushing it down here.”
The two girls tentatively poked the fish with the ends of the poles,
causing it to sink a bit into the hatch as it flopped around. They
pulled back before pushing it down further.
“What’s taking so long?” Argo cocked her head as she held out her arms, ready to catch the fish.
At least, she thought she was ready to catch the fish before her arms
and knees buckled under the strain of holding up a heavy, flopping fish.
Argo barely managed to get it on the rack before collapsing to the deck
“Aaaarrrrrggggggghhhhh… note to self- fish can be very heavy and very floppy. Do not underestimate them.”
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."