Quote:“As I thought,” said Star Swirl. “I believe that those abilities areFrom An Earth Pony's Guide To Magic chapter three, in which Star Swirl the One Hundred Forty Seventh is seeking to figure out how to live up to her name-sake ancestor when she was born an earth pony rather than a unicorn. Hindered perhaps a teensy bit from having grown up in a unicorn family.
related and Pinkie can’t perform any of them while being watched.”
“Why not?” asked Sue.
believe that it relates to the predictions of the physicists Fine Line
and Wizened Birch,” began Star Swirl. “Fine Line discovered that the
fabric of space and time could be manipulated and in fact was
automatically done so by gravity. I believe that Pinkamena Diane Pie,
Bearer of the Element of Laughter is manipulating this fabric to create
portals which she uses to manifest these powers.”
“So it’s based on gravity manipulation?” asked Blinkie.
“Possibly,” replied Star Swirl. “I’m still in the early stages of my study. “
it would make sense as gravity manipulation is the traditional way that
earth ponies grip with their hooves,” Blinkie shrugged.
“What!?” cried Star Swirl. “We can grip stuff with our hooves!?”
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.