From, To Fly Like a Moron (An Avengers-movie-verse/The Pumaman crossover)
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Quote:The anomalous concentration of dark energy turns out to be the-----
appearance of a giant alien ship, piloted by a being who calls himself
Set. A quick peak at Wikipedia confirms that this is probably not a good
“Does this mean MacGuyver is going to show up, too?” Darcy
asks. Jane started shouting things about quarks and decay rates, so
Coulson magically produced a report from somewhere and reported himself
to a command center. Darcy and Vadinho also reported to the command
center, not that anyone had actually ordered them there, but following
Coulson and looking confident opened all sorts of doors when he didn’t
slam them shut on your foot.
SHIELD’s translation software kept
crashing whenever they tried to run Set’s hissing and spitting through
it, so they’re relying on Thor to negotiate in Allspeak, to SHIELD’s
general horror. Coulson seems pretty chill, though. Well, Coulson’s
always pretty chill, but in this case Darcy thinks it’s a combination of
a greater trust in Thor -- she wouldn’t nominate him as secretary of,
like, the UN, but the guy was raised to be a representative of
his government, even if a large part of their foreign affairs seemed to
be based on kicking ass -- and the simple knowledge that this shit looks
bad regardless of anything Thor says.
“You know our Cheyenne
Mountain files are above your clearances, Agent Lewis,” says Coulson.
“And Richard Dean Anderson regrettably did not appear in Stargate
the movie. I will, however, approve your request for a larger office
supplies budget if you feel that may contribute positively to our
nation’s security.”
“Does shooting rubber bands at Tony Stark count?”
“Yes,” says Coulson.
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.