This post:
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Quote: Drek wrote:-----
Aw, screw it. They should just go for broke and make a totally gonzo Star Wars film.
Reverse Darth Vader -- a droid with Anakin's arm(s) and leg(s) grafted
on to it. Actually, four Reserve Darth Vaders, each with his own Anakin
limb and coloration. So there's Red Vader with an arm, Blue Vader with
the other arm. Green Vader with a leg, Yellow Vader with a leg. And
they all, at some point, combine to form a giant robot, with surprise
appearance from a cloned Original Vader to form the head and torso.
A hundred-thousand Tie Fighters fighting a hundred-thousand X-wings,
with thousands of capital ships trading heavy fire. We have the
technology to render a all these ships. Aside from a few key actors,
their behaviors could be determined by simulation. The actual battle
could be not just presented in film, but as a software that allows you
to view the canonical battle from any angle and stage lesser battles for
your own amusement. Unleash the power of Wookiepedia by allowing the
fan community to provide names and short back stories for each pilot.
Those giant asteroid space worms. A real fight of a colony of them vs
Star Destroyers. Expand the giant space monster lore to make them a
galactic civilization in their own right, with coordination and
biological bombs that infest the Star Destroyers.
We need more Death Stars, and they should fight. They aren't spheres --
there's a pyramid Death Star. A cube Death Star. An octahedron Death
Star. d20 Death Star... They absolutely should blow up some more
planets. Piss all over the EU by mentioning that Random Important World
to the EU was annihilated off screen. Show the dawning horror of the
last surviving Ewoks as they watch Endor's moon get pasted by super
lasers. Show random Gungans walking around all sad, with the probable
reason left to audience's imagination. Blow up Tatooine in the first
minute of the film, and make damn sure to show that Luke and most of his
Jedi Academy were on the planet at the time.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.