Mass Effect / Doom.
Simply because it strikes me that adding a Doom crossover to Mass Effect - and taking into account the attendant implications about the underlying cosmology - would, if anything, tend to improve the overall big picture. Which, given Doom, is saying something.
No details (not even anything about the referenced "implications" which I've managed to put into words), but the basic idea's revisited me a few times over the last few weeks, so I wanted to get it out there.
Simply because it strikes me that adding a Doom crossover to Mass Effect - and taking into account the attendant implications about the underlying cosmology - would, if anything, tend to improve the overall big picture. Which, given Doom, is saying something.
No details (not even anything about the referenced "implications" which I've managed to put into words), but the basic idea's revisited me a few times over the last few weeks, so I wanted to get it out there.