I see that now that you mention it.
A pocket dictionary can still be pretty useful if you can decline and conjugate in a reliable way. Especially if you are only trying to do something simple for the sake of having it in Latin.
Likely my first attempt shows the impact of the vagueness of my own memories.
I had a large essay rant on the subject of getting the Latin right in fanfic that I never got to a finished state.
I can't speak for Ace Attorney, but I think that competent lawyers probably don't misuse legal Latin. Of course, just like any other population, there are foolish, incompletely educated incompetent lawyers. (My most direct and extended exposure involves ex-lawyers who separately had formal training in Latin, so that is probably a bias.)
I could also argue that Rowling doesn't count for misusing Latin for her magic words, if she doesn't claim that it is proper Latin in the text itself.
I guess I'll need something to qualify for this thread.
Freezing/Strike Witches with obnoxious conditions attached:
1) Aliens are invading because the Stars are Right. The Stars not being Right is beyond forecasting, and after one type is beaten or countered, another will follow from another source.
2) In modern times, a witch can only be born to a witch, and witches can stop being witches by losing their power as they age.
3) The aliens that last are fairly resistant to conventional forces. Female only occult powers are apparently the only reliable solution.
4) As a result of prior conflicts, witches are effectively extinct.
5) Pandoras are a poor, unstable substitute with an even more limited shelf-life, created by splicing on bits of dead alien.
6) This is a multi-generational story, involving various programs to ensure a useful future supply of women and girls able to use occult powers in combat.
7) This will include both human-alien and human-human wars.
8) Hypothetically, making a non-witch of enough witch ancestry into a Pandora might allow a Witch to be born.
For mecha fans, a witch with very late generation striker units can function as the core fighter in a gundam analog, or three unusual witches in specialized strikers can function as getter machines. However, infantry based Manpads are always at least as advanced and capable.
For romance fans, while, to keep myself a little happy, I'll specify no rape, any breeding programs are not out in the open, and for various assumptions, on top of the usual Panadora stuff, well, live fast, have babies, die young, and die ugly. If this isn't enough:
a) For teenagers that think this sort of thing is cool, remove every aspect of what romance readers enjoy.
b) Stick Eva somewhere in there. Transfer of a mother into a machine might be a lossy process with a high fatal failure rate, and childhood mortality to take out the other part of the successes.
For competent scientists, I would really prefer good experimental design. Maybe there is a combination of disciplines in the real world that could be used to reliably work out sample size and methodology for the various probable experiments, but I wouldn't know how to get such together for a project like this. If that alone is not irritating enough, suppose that mages from Fate/Stay Night are involved, because I suspect that they would tend to be fairly wretched at experimental design.
For magical girl fans, well, I thought Madoka had potential, but that it wimped out and stopped short of going all the way. Suppose that no one who makes a deal for magical power dies truly satisfied with it. (I figured always dies regretting might be a bit too dark.)
These don't quite close off all possibility of should be, but it is a start.
I see that now that you mention it.
A pocket dictionary can still be pretty useful if you can decline and conjugate in a reliable way. Especially if you are only trying to do something simple for the sake of having it in Latin.
Likely my first attempt shows the impact of the vagueness of my own memories.
I had a large essay rant on the subject of getting the Latin right in fanfic that I never got to a finished state.
I can't speak for Ace Attorney, but I think that competent lawyers probably don't misuse legal Latin. Of course, just like any other population, there are foolish, incompletely educated incompetent lawyers. (My most direct and extended exposure involves ex-lawyers who separately had formal training in Latin, so that is probably a bias.)
I could also argue that Rowling doesn't count for misusing Latin for her magic words, if she doesn't claim that it is proper Latin in the text itself.
I guess I'll need something to qualify for this thread.
Freezing/Strike Witches with obnoxious conditions attached:
1) Aliens are invading because the Stars are Right. The Stars not being Right is beyond forecasting, and after one type is beaten or countered, another will follow from another source.
2) In modern times, a witch can only be born to a witch, and witches can stop being witches by losing their power as they age.
3) The aliens that last are fairly resistant to conventional forces. Female only occult powers are apparently the only reliable solution.
4) As a result of prior conflicts, witches are effectively extinct.
5) Pandoras are a poor, unstable substitute with an even more limited shelf-life, created by splicing on bits of dead alien.
6) This is a multi-generational story, involving various programs to ensure a useful future supply of women and girls able to use occult powers in combat.
7) This will include both human-alien and human-human wars.
8) Hypothetically, making a non-witch of enough witch ancestry into a Pandora might allow a Witch to be born.
For mecha fans, a witch with very late generation striker units can function as the core fighter in a gundam analog, or three unusual witches in specialized strikers can function as getter machines. However, infantry based Manpads are always at least as advanced and capable.
For romance fans, while, to keep myself a little happy, I'll specify no rape, any breeding programs are not out in the open, and for various assumptions, on top of the usual Panadora stuff, well, live fast, have babies, die young, and die ugly. If this isn't enough:
a) For teenagers that think this sort of thing is cool, remove every aspect of what romance readers enjoy.
b) Stick Eva somewhere in there. Transfer of a mother into a machine might be a lossy process with a high fatal failure rate, and childhood mortality to take out the other part of the successes.
For competent scientists, I would really prefer good experimental design. Maybe there is a combination of disciplines in the real world that could be used to reliably work out sample size and methodology for the various probable experiments, but I wouldn't know how to get such together for a project like this. If that alone is not irritating enough, suppose that mages from Fate/Stay Night are involved, because I suspect that they would tend to be fairly wretched at experimental design.
For magical girl fans, well, I thought Madoka had potential, but that it wimped out and stopped short of going all the way. Suppose that no one who makes a deal for magical power dies truly satisfied with it. (I figured always dies regretting might be a bit too dark.)
These don't quite close off all possibility of should be, but it is a start.