The Wanderer Wrote:(I wasn't entirely sure which thread to put this one in. The only reason I classify it as "should not be" is that I can't really think of any way to make an actual story out of it, instead of a brief one-shot.)That's easy enough. The Incubators figure out what the Spirals can do by seeing them fight the Anti-Spirals. As a consequence, they believe that the only way to make the Spirals produce universe-saving amounts of energy is to threaten everything they stand for- i.e., become the villains of a shonen mecha series.
The twist at the end is that losing to the newest, most outrageous incarnation of Gurren-Lagann in the climactic final battle is what they were going for all along, since that fight alone generated enough energy to stave off entropy for millions of years.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.