When sacrificial nostalgia intersects with recreational drug use induced super powers, the government of Texas hires Zordon to fix the problem.
Power Texas Rangers, Department of Public Safety
'Bring me five teens with attitude, and a strong law enforcement background. Oh, and I want a really good lawyer to help me find out how I can lawfully employ them.'
You do know that a sheriff is different from a Texas Ranger, right? Texas Rangers are employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety. In America, Sheriffs are generally employed by a county, which is usually a sub-division of a state. I dunno if it is lawful for a Texas Ranger to also hold the office of Sheriff.
Historically, the Texas Rangers were more of a military unit. I think they worked in groups ranging between the settlements, fighting indians and outlaws, too much to properly execute the office of sheriff for a single settlement.
Modern Texas Rangers are not to be confused with US Army Rangers, US Forestry Service Rangers, graduates of the US Army Ranger school, or historical frontier rangers, such as Roger's Rangers. (Graduates of the US Army Ranger school can be Sheriffs at the same time. In Texas, it would be confusing for one doing do to call themselves a Texas Ranger, and maybe illegal.)
Power Rangers, as something that is mostly Super Sentai, tends to have only a coincidental closeness to the historical Ranger. Rangers tended towards light infantry, and Zords are probably too bulky and essential to Power Ranger combat for Power Rangers to really count as Rangers. Yes, the Texas Rangers used horses. The geography, social and physical, of Texas was significantly different from that of the thirteen colonies.
JRR's use of the word is semi-defensible. Rangers move between settlements, fighting against the enemies of the civilization and society that built those settlements. By the time it trickled down to versions of D&D that I've read, the Ranger class was almost entirely distorted. Of course, I also think that way D&D handles Druids is ahistoric.
'Ay Yi Yi. I've been reported for something and now I have mandatory sensitivity training. I can't do that and everything else the rangers need in forty hours a week. Can you approve some overtime for me?'
'Rangers. Zetas have kidnapped one Jesus de la Cruz. We expect them to torture and kill him. Try to rescue him.'
'Rangers. Smoking Mirror is burning things down on the water front. Go stop him before the shipping is sunk and the harbor ash.'
'Rangers. A batch of something has caused mass demon possession. Many are running riot and need to be subdued.'
Last one is a bit silly. Counter riot works better with heavier troops than Rangers. Done realistically, I suspect riots are also a poor match for the Tokusatsu genre.
That is something like an anime of Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth, right?
If so, there is one obvious crossover.
Rock Lee Harvey Oswald.
In other words, cross it over with something like Holmes' A Spy Like No Other.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9628 ... e-KGB.html
(I haven't read this, and the supposed narrative for the faction's motivation sounds very suspect to me. That said, that bit is easily fixable.)
(Runners up were Robert Edward Lee, Stagger Lee, Bruce Lee, Light Horse Harry Lee, and Otokojuku.)
(Rock Lee is an exception to one of my possible justifications for why Naruto ninja might not use firearms, even if they are technically possible for the society.)
Power Texas Rangers, Department of Public Safety
'Bring me five teens with attitude, and a strong law enforcement background. Oh, and I want a really good lawyer to help me find out how I can lawfully employ them.'
You do know that a sheriff is different from a Texas Ranger, right? Texas Rangers are employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety. In America, Sheriffs are generally employed by a county, which is usually a sub-division of a state. I dunno if it is lawful for a Texas Ranger to also hold the office of Sheriff.
Historically, the Texas Rangers were more of a military unit. I think they worked in groups ranging between the settlements, fighting indians and outlaws, too much to properly execute the office of sheriff for a single settlement.
Modern Texas Rangers are not to be confused with US Army Rangers, US Forestry Service Rangers, graduates of the US Army Ranger school, or historical frontier rangers, such as Roger's Rangers. (Graduates of the US Army Ranger school can be Sheriffs at the same time. In Texas, it would be confusing for one doing do to call themselves a Texas Ranger, and maybe illegal.)
Power Rangers, as something that is mostly Super Sentai, tends to have only a coincidental closeness to the historical Ranger. Rangers tended towards light infantry, and Zords are probably too bulky and essential to Power Ranger combat for Power Rangers to really count as Rangers. Yes, the Texas Rangers used horses. The geography, social and physical, of Texas was significantly different from that of the thirteen colonies.
JRR's use of the word is semi-defensible. Rangers move between settlements, fighting against the enemies of the civilization and society that built those settlements. By the time it trickled down to versions of D&D that I've read, the Ranger class was almost entirely distorted. Of course, I also think that way D&D handles Druids is ahistoric.
'Ay Yi Yi. I've been reported for something and now I have mandatory sensitivity training. I can't do that and everything else the rangers need in forty hours a week. Can you approve some overtime for me?'
'Rangers. Zetas have kidnapped one Jesus de la Cruz. We expect them to torture and kill him. Try to rescue him.'
'Rangers. Smoking Mirror is burning things down on the water front. Go stop him before the shipping is sunk and the harbor ash.'
'Rangers. A batch of something has caused mass demon possession. Many are running riot and need to be subdued.'
Last one is a bit silly. Counter riot works better with heavier troops than Rangers. Done realistically, I suspect riots are also a poor match for the Tokusatsu genre.
That is something like an anime of Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth, right?
If so, there is one obvious crossover.
Rock Lee Harvey Oswald.
In other words, cross it over with something like Holmes' A Spy Like No Other.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9628 ... e-KGB.html
(I haven't read this, and the supposed narrative for the faction's motivation sounds very suspect to me. That said, that bit is easily fixable.)
(Runners up were Robert Edward Lee, Stagger Lee, Bruce Lee, Light Horse Harry Lee, and Otokojuku.)
(Rock Lee is an exception to one of my possible justifications for why Naruto ninja might not use firearms, even if they are technically possible for the society.)