While not from a fanfic, this one is utterly hilarious:
Last boss battle of Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, the last boss is powering up for the fight, DBZ style, and Raiden's response?
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!?"
Keep in mind this is after he's slashed through god knows how many cyborgs, unmanned weapons, tripods (scarabs), missiles, and maybe a kitchen sink or two.
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles
Last boss battle of Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, the last boss is powering up for the fight, DBZ style, and Raiden's response?
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!?"
Keep in mind this is after he's slashed through god knows how many cyborgs, unmanned weapons, tripods (scarabs), missiles, and maybe a kitchen sink or two.
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles