Quote:"Power!" the newborn Catalyst states, "I am no longer your slave, Viator! I am now the God of the Relays! In my right hand, I hold the sword to cut you down! In the left, I hold the greatest weapon of all! The greatest weakness of the Reapers!"Glorious Shotgun Princess (Exalted/Mass Effect):http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/ ... t-11273437
Standing above him, four arms larger than a man each, the forbidden soul of the Great Maker centers upon the god with a pustular eye.
"The access codes for the Relays?"
The Catalyst thrusts out the left hand, the glowing sphere behind it flashing. "No, Viator! Worse!"
And then the skies above them open, flowing light and sound and sunlight as a channel is opened directly to realms above. There is a sound like flapping wings, of scratching upon walls as the signal is given.
And the Viator of Nullspace is subsequently buried under one billion years of missed paperwork.
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV