From Overpowered: a HERO Games/B:tVS Dungeon Crawl Chapter 4.6.1
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Quote:"Nah. If the Watcher's noticed, he hasn't said anything." Then he staredFrom a little later after some fun in the sewers...
at me as I scanned back and forth. "No really - what you doing?"
" I'm looking to kill something, and the cemeteries are empty." I paused. "Or full. You know what I mean."
"And staring at a manhole gets you that."
"I'm psychic."
"That's not an answer."
"Did you know you're the first person to actually call me on that?" I got up from my knee. "I can see through things."
"Not very far." I pointed down and away from the manhole. "There's a
main sewer line there, running that way...and then stopping. I've got
most of the top layers mapped out passively. Now I'm doing a
deeper...scans, I guess." Specifically, I'm using my latent aura to actively generate directed radio waves. I frowned. "With limited success. Did you know the tunnels pull a Hogwarts?"
"A what?"
"Sorry - children's book reference. Comes out in a few days. Big hit." I
cracked my neck and shoulders. "The sewers re-arrange themselves."
Quote:He poked the tip of his sword at a stray of entrail that had made its
way up the corridor. "Nice bit of work, here. If y'ain't a slayer, yer
certainly somethin' close."
Well, it's not like he doesn't have the experience in closely watching young girls fight. I pulled out a handful of tissues, and began wiping my rod down. " How so?"
He tapped the scattered dust amongst the ventilation wreckage. "You're
not a conventional tracker, but you followed this one through a
half-mile of unknown territory at a full sprint. Y'give prophecies, and
talk of the future as though y'lived it. So, clairvoyance. Short and
"Thanks. I also do windows. "
I nodded. "Switch to the NT kernel as soon as possible. ME's a bitch."
"I have no idea what yer talkin' about."
"Computers. It's a late 90's thing." Now I've got a handful of bloody tissues. What's the EPA-approved method of disposal?
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.