Quote:"Hey Shino,"Now You See It: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/10796885/16/Now-You-See-It
Kiba folded his arms behind his head, looking up speculatively. "If
Sakura or I ever died, would you use our bodies as surrogate
hives and puppet them around in a sick parody of a memorial?"
"I would be
lying if I said the thought hadn't passed my mind once or twice."
Shino admitted as they strolled onwards towards the mess hall.
"However, without proper and immediate application of taxidermy
I was forced to admit that such measures were likely to only be
sustainable in a very short timeframe, and subsequently banished it
as a possible course of action."
"…that has
to be one of the sweetest, most fucked up things you've ever said to
us," Sakura commented, touched and disturbed in equal measure.
"It definitely makes the Top Ten, for sure."
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV