From Dreaming of Sunshine:
I'm torn between bashing my head into my desk and laughing like a loon. Tsu, how long have you been giving Naruto missions at this point? You have to know that giving him an order that open-ended will end in nothing but mass chaos!
It reminds me of an exchange in Lois McMaster Bujold's A Civil Campaign: "You remember that old fairy tale where the count assigns five impossible tasks to his daughter's suitor? Well, don't ever try that with Miles. Just... don't."
Quote:"Rumours of a ghost," Tsunade repeated, glaring. "That are causing some upset with the civilian populace. You're to investigate the source of the rumours, hopefully put a stop to them, and bring world peace to all the little boys and girls. There should be no fighting involved. Are we clear?"
"Gotcha," Naruto said confidently. "Rumours. Investigate. Peace on earth. No problem, leave it to us."
I'm torn between bashing my head into my desk and laughing like a loon. Tsu, how long have you been giving Naruto missions at this point? You have to know that giving him an order that open-ended will end in nothing but mass chaos!
It reminds me of an exchange in Lois McMaster Bujold's A Civil Campaign: "You remember that old fairy tale where the count assigns five impossible tasks to his daughter's suitor? Well, don't ever try that with Miles. Just... don't."