Bob Schroeck Wrote:It's pretty hard to create another entire school of magic. I only know of two really good attempts (neither fic is complete, both are long reads), if you don't count Harry ending up in the X-men world at Xaviers and being tutored in his 'mutant powers'.ClassicDrogn Wrote:Threatening to transfer to Beaxbatons on discovering X dastardly plot is another perennial, but of course it never happens because everything that matters is in Britain. I've NEVER seen Durmstrang even considered...I've read a few stories with a transfer to Beauxbatons in the last few years; sadly, I'm wracking my brains for titles but nothing's coming.
And I know that Harry's seriously considered Durmstrang in a couple stories, but it's an author-interpreted Durmstrang where the dark reputation is a misapprehension on the part of the rest of Europe. Harry Potter and the Temporal Beacon does something like that during its extended Triwizard sequence.
Alexander Harris and the Shadow Council by Tenhawk which is a crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer AND the Addams Family, featuring Xander and Wednesday original going to the Salem Institute in Washington State, but then using a foreign exchange program into Hogwarts after a magical accident conjures an active volcano and it messes up Salem's first year area. The Salem Institue isn't expounded on much, only during the summers briefly when Xander (the main character) has to make sure his English magical education is up to American standards. ... &chapter=1 -- starts there, having trouble getting the preview link to work so might need to copy/paste URL.
Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi description for this one doesn't have much to do with the actual story. Slytherin Genuis!Harry has a twin brother in Gryfinndor and really starts to hate Hogwarts. He gets the permission of his parents (alive James+Lily) to transfer to Durmstrang where he befriends Viktor Krum and a pureblood dark witch. Her family is a big anti-light enemy that Harry's parents would hate (if they knew about it). The author goes through multiple years at a dark arts centric Durmstrang, very in depth. I think the author stopped at the end of year three. ... -Who-Lived