The Wanderer Wrote:To be fair, the books do describe non-robe clothing - the Weasley jumpers, for instance.Erm, I always got the idea that they were. When I was reading the books, the idea of "robes" translated in my head to being the robes that Oxford dons only wear nowadays as ceremonial garb, but that they used to wear when working (much like barristers and magistrates in the British courts wear wigs and robes when in the court, or did up until recently). Given how freaking cold Northern England/Scotland can get in the winter, it struck me as just simple sense to wear trousers (or pants, for us Americans; I would think that most of the students of Hogwarts would wear "pants" rather than go commando), especially if going out to see Hagrid, play quiddich, or engage in some other physical activity (like working with Professor Sprout). I suppose that it could be a more involved set of robes, similar to what Hollywood puts Dumbledore in, but I always got the impression that the kids were wearing something a bit more modern under them.
It's plain that some wizards, at least, do wear only robes; there's the evidence of the one in an argument on arrival at the Quidditch Cup, if nothing else. But it also seems plain that robes aren't the only clothing that wizards wear, either.
Still, the notion that everyone at Hogwarts is wearing pants et cetera underneath their robes is an annoying - and annoyingly common - one.
Although, if you wanted to play it as they aren't, it would make sense for Harry and Hermione (and any other muggle-born children) to wear muggle clothing under their robes, leading to possible fashion faux pas or other trouble, with Draco and other purists sneering at them, and Snape or other professors counting off for them being "out of school uniform." And, of course, given that Harry has a waning and waxing level of popularity, other kids could easily start aping his choices of clothing (one of the books has a first year that fanboys all over him, I forget the name).
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."