I realize this all comes off as kind of vauge. This is partly as I have largely scrapped my original idea of "all these people are Yosho's employees or vassals or lovers" in favor of "Yosho gets around and knows a lot of people." With this change, I have perhaps lost track of what I want to do and where I want to go with this. Trying to work through and clarify this is part of my motivation for posting here. Maybe to narrow this down I should focus on traits that I think would tend to bring people into Yosho's orbit.
The primary trait would be that of misfits. Yosho faced prejudice over his Earth/Jurai mixed heritage and it wounded him deeply. He has a soft spot for anyone who stands between two worlds and doesn't fit in to either. This includes part-human hybrids (Donavan and Mikoto), people who have been modified from normal (Momohime), exiles (Igam), or those who are the last of their kind. (Ali and Ann)
Adding swords, spiritualism, religion, plants, aliens, etc. to the mix adds to the appropriateness of the choice, but the misfit factor is probably the primary one that leads to continuing contact and association.
I've already considered and rejected Dante from Devil May Cry. He might know Yosho, but doesn't particularly need Yosho to give him a place to belong or people to rely on. Dante tends to carve out his own place in the world and have people orbit him.
Additional figures that might fit.
Galatea - Claymore - Sword-wielding super-soldier thanks to inhuman tissue grafts who took up the role of nun as a cover. Claymores are apparently unaging. If Yosho has experience with InuYasha style half-yokai, he might be able to make or aquire a sword that would keep a Claymore from loosing themselves to their inhuman side.
Shinichi Izumi - Parasyte - A young man with a shapeshifting alien that bonded to his right hand and has made other changes, leaving him rather inhuman in both biology and psychology. Fights with his parasyte partner turning one hand into a set of blades/tentacles and a conventional blade in his other hand.
Here's a crossover duo I've been considering: Kanna (InuYasha) and Alice Liddel (American McGee) - In cannon Kanna left a shard of herself behind that struck Kagome and gave her key information. In my considered plot line, she left another shard behind that slowly grew or otherwisde became a second Kanna, not the same person as the first but a sort of clone if you will. As a kind of creepy manufactured half-yokai, she wandered the Earth for a while, ocasionally interacting with Yosho. Alice learned to walk in both the real world and Wonderland simultaniously, but (in my story ideas) the real world began to reject her. Not only socially, but physically as Alice slowly became less and less "real" as far as the physical world was concerned, eventually becoming a being who always existed just on the other side of the looking glass. Kanna IS the looking glass. Now they walk together, with Kanna able to pull people into Wonderland and temporarilly project Alice or other Wonderland inhabitants out into the physical world.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
The primary trait would be that of misfits. Yosho faced prejudice over his Earth/Jurai mixed heritage and it wounded him deeply. He has a soft spot for anyone who stands between two worlds and doesn't fit in to either. This includes part-human hybrids (Donavan and Mikoto), people who have been modified from normal (Momohime), exiles (Igam), or those who are the last of their kind. (Ali and Ann)
Adding swords, spiritualism, religion, plants, aliens, etc. to the mix adds to the appropriateness of the choice, but the misfit factor is probably the primary one that leads to continuing contact and association.
I've already considered and rejected Dante from Devil May Cry. He might know Yosho, but doesn't particularly need Yosho to give him a place to belong or people to rely on. Dante tends to carve out his own place in the world and have people orbit him.
Additional figures that might fit.
Galatea - Claymore - Sword-wielding super-soldier thanks to inhuman tissue grafts who took up the role of nun as a cover. Claymores are apparently unaging. If Yosho has experience with InuYasha style half-yokai, he might be able to make or aquire a sword that would keep a Claymore from loosing themselves to their inhuman side.
Shinichi Izumi - Parasyte - A young man with a shapeshifting alien that bonded to his right hand and has made other changes, leaving him rather inhuman in both biology and psychology. Fights with his parasyte partner turning one hand into a set of blades/tentacles and a conventional blade in his other hand.
Here's a crossover duo I've been considering: Kanna (InuYasha) and Alice Liddel (American McGee) - In cannon Kanna left a shard of herself behind that struck Kagome and gave her key information. In my considered plot line, she left another shard behind that slowly grew or otherwisde became a second Kanna, not the same person as the first but a sort of clone if you will. As a kind of creepy manufactured half-yokai, she wandered the Earth for a while, ocasionally interacting with Yosho. Alice learned to walk in both the real world and Wonderland simultaniously, but (in my story ideas) the real world began to reject her. Not only socially, but physically as Alice slowly became less and less "real" as far as the physical world was concerned, eventually becoming a being who always existed just on the other side of the looking glass. Kanna IS the looking glass. Now they walk together, with Kanna able to pull people into Wonderland and temporarilly project Alice or other Wonderland inhabitants out into the physical world.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.