Well. That didn't go quite the way I had planned.
There are a lot of reasons for different parts of the delay between this update and the last, but it mostly comes down to "Moving out didn't simplify my life quite as much as one might have hoped." Things are starting to stabilize however, even if I do have quite a few boxes to unpack yet.
Update 9: Water is really just molten iceUpdate 9, Part 1Update 9, Part 2Update 9, Part 3
I'm not going to say when I want to get the next update done, because then it will not happen. But it shouldn't be hard to be faster than this one. o.O
There are a lot of reasons for different parts of the delay between this update and the last, but it mostly comes down to "Moving out didn't simplify my life quite as much as one might have hoped." Things are starting to stabilize however, even if I do have quite a few boxes to unpack yet.
Update 9: Water is really just molten iceUpdate 9, Part 1Update 9, Part 2Update 9, Part 3
I'm not going to say when I want to get the next update done, because then it will not happen. But it shouldn't be hard to be faster than this one. o.O