At the climax of the Captain America movie, the Teseract is opening up dimentional rifts that could have gone anywhere. (And him needing to stay on the plane and fly the bomber into the ocean is one of those things that doesn't quite make sense about the movie.) Some possible destinations:
Fantasy Setting - His only obstacle to becoming a paladin is his stated opinion on gods. (There's only one and he doesn't dress funny.)
Non-Marvel Superhero - There are so many ways to play Cap meets Superman, Cap meets Batman, the guy who washes up on Paradise Island is Steve Rodgers not Steve Trevor, etc. Or Cap brings pragmatic idealism (he was in a war, he's killed or helped kill a lot of people) to one of the darker settings.
Post-Apocalypse (Fallout, Walking Dead, Terminator, etc.) - You tend to have various groups that talk about rebuilding America, let's have someone show them how to do that properly.
Video Games - Who does't wan't to see King Bowser take a vibranium shield to the face? He helped the French Resistance, why not the anti-Robotnic Freedom Fighters? Can Captain Rodgers out paragon Commander Shepperd?
Come on people, play with the possibilites here.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Fantasy Setting - His only obstacle to becoming a paladin is his stated opinion on gods. (There's only one and he doesn't dress funny.)
Non-Marvel Superhero - There are so many ways to play Cap meets Superman, Cap meets Batman, the guy who washes up on Paradise Island is Steve Rodgers not Steve Trevor, etc. Or Cap brings pragmatic idealism (he was in a war, he's killed or helped kill a lot of people) to one of the darker settings.
Post-Apocalypse (Fallout, Walking Dead, Terminator, etc.) - You tend to have various groups that talk about rebuilding America, let's have someone show them how to do that properly.
Video Games - Who does't wan't to see King Bowser take a vibranium shield to the face? He helped the French Resistance, why not the anti-Robotnic Freedom Fighters? Can Captain Rodgers out paragon Commander Shepperd?
Come on people, play with the possibilites here.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.