Quote: ECSNorway wrote:I'm going to second this one. None of the whole Voldemorte blah blah blah stuff. The whole thing takes place after the books and is formatted
Normally I'd say this should go under 'Crossovers that must not be', but since someone actually did write it...
Wilson is 1% above Squib level, and gets invited to attend Hogwarts. He accepts. House bullies his way into tagging along. Hilarity Ensues.
like a House episode with a medical(magical) mystery. It's also part genuine mystery, as it is actually possible from the clues given in the first two
setup chapters to figure out what's wrong with the patient in the third 'reveal' episode. It's pretty fun, especially since the
'episodes' are self contained, and as such as long as the authour finishes up each of them, the fic's probably proof against dead fic syndrome.