I see to be on a roll this week...
During the Black Moon Arc of Sailor Moon, a UFO appears over Tokyo -- and is engaged by a fully armed and operational X-COM. Mayhem and hilarity ensue -- Team Rubeus dismiss local technology as beneath their notice, and get burned badly. The X-COMmers are expecting Sufficiently Advanced Technology, not actual magic (though, they're so accustomed to having to deal with things outside of human experience, they don't fare nearly as badly as they might). And the X-COM aliens swoop in thinking that Earth's defenders have come up with something new and potentially threatening, and take fire from everyone else, just on general principles (no villain team-ups -- the X-COM aliens don't negotiate, communicate, or... anything, TTBOMK).
"We're coming with you."
"But--! Commander, we're going a thousand years into the future!"
"Sailor Moon, my orders are to defend this planet against any and all extraterrestrial threats. They don't specify a timeframe." A wry grin. "Besides, Sailor Mercury wouldn't agree to collaborate with our research division until I agreed to commit X-COM's full available resources to this fight. The Council will probably have my head, but I'm betting it'll be worth it in the long run."
(how did this happen? I can only assume Setsuna was distracted dealing with a trans-temporal incursion by the Doctor....)
During the Black Moon Arc of Sailor Moon, a UFO appears over Tokyo -- and is engaged by a fully armed and operational X-COM. Mayhem and hilarity ensue -- Team Rubeus dismiss local technology as beneath their notice, and get burned badly. The X-COMmers are expecting Sufficiently Advanced Technology, not actual magic (though, they're so accustomed to having to deal with things outside of human experience, they don't fare nearly as badly as they might). And the X-COM aliens swoop in thinking that Earth's defenders have come up with something new and potentially threatening, and take fire from everyone else, just on general principles (no villain team-ups -- the X-COM aliens don't negotiate, communicate, or... anything, TTBOMK).
"We're coming with you."
"But--! Commander, we're going a thousand years into the future!"
"Sailor Moon, my orders are to defend this planet against any and all extraterrestrial threats. They don't specify a timeframe." A wry grin. "Besides, Sailor Mercury wouldn't agree to collaborate with our research division until I agreed to commit X-COM's full available resources to this fight. The Council will probably have my head, but I'm betting it'll be worth it in the long run."
(how did this happen? I can only assume Setsuna was distracted dealing with a trans-temporal incursion by the Doctor....)