Quote: Here's a fun Potter fic, set the year before Harry starts.Now that's an interesting angle. Very obviously an AU, given that it seems to be happening just about now or a couple years ago, as
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3226520/1/B ... _the_Geeks
opposed to the canonical 1990s setting, and I just don't see Emily's "ripples" damping down by the next school year to give Harry anything
like the usual first year he gets. In fact, I'm foreseeing Harry getting "adopted" by the Science Fiction Club (or perhaps Ron drawing him in
after being drawn in himself via Fred and George). And I'm curious as to how the presence of a few Slytherins who Fred and George think are cool/fun/okay
will change some of the usual knee-jerk reactions Ron and others develop over the books...
(ETA: Hmm. On the other hand, there are some tantalizing hints that Emily is responsible for some of the canonical things we've seen -- the most obvious is
that her account of Star Wars results in Mr. Weasley enchanting the Ford Anglia to fly, in an attempt to reproduce a landspeeder...)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.