Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote:Maybe I should just change the age ever so slightly......it would be a bit easier to do.
Eeh... Even though it's not changed from the original (Actually, the original has Tifa guessing she's seven, while the new one says eight) I'm not so sure about Yuffie being that young on second thought - What works for seven or eight, is kind of dicey at five. You might be better just saying the the difference from canon is that Yuffie's a year or two older, so she got a bit farther afield in her search for adventure. I can buy the rest, given that items just kind of condense out of ambient energy to be found in most Final Fantasy games, and that's literally, explicitly how materia form.
The notable differences on my part are the, Tifa LOOKS like she almost dies (In realty she was entering her Coma from the internal bleeding, broken bones, ect.), and Yuffie comes down there to help, then climbs the rope.
Minor differences, but it gives more credit as for why Tifa's crush starts up.
As for the potion, yes, I can agree about the items made out of energy, I never really thought of it that way.
That would explain a lot actually, that they planet just spawns them every now and then to help support life on Gaia to help it's own recovery from the first Meteor fall, then ShinRa figured out how to make the potions out of Mako like they figured out how to make missiles out of raw mako with the Micro Missile technique, there by dominating the medicine market as well.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered
Quote from Julius Caesar