Quote:Sirrocco wrote:Yeah, a genre mismatch like that is amusing, but it is also a reason why I went specifically with the Aberrant system. Six experience points buys the first rank of a new Mega-Attribute, and the rules state that when someone with a Mega-Attribute gets into an opposed roll with someone who has a lower/no Mega-Attribute, the guy with the Mega-Attribute wins. Get dumped in Hikaru no Go? Buy Mega-Intelligence and/or Wits 1. Prince of Tennis? Mega-Dexterity 1.
Another entertaining way to run it is to put the setting in one of those worlds where (insert random nonviolent competitive event) is the Only Thing That Matters (Hikaru no Go, Prince of Tennis, or whatever) or even in a setting that's more or less purely social with a character built as an aberrant indestructable tank or whatnot.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV