Quote:ECSNorway wrote:eh, it happens. Just don't do it again until the next time you do it again.
Just realized I forgot to post this here before I dropped it on the SV thread...

Quote:ECSNorway wrote:... A shoutout to XKCD?
host interface ping . . . XCK@(D*!Jaiao39*#U!
Quote:ECSNorway wrote:Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do...
"And just remember. The boss wants the girl that came through the Wall. He wants her alive.
Which means no playing around. You'll know the one we want, she'll be
the only one there with a civ-grade Device. The rest will all be Bureau
goodies. So keep your eyes open who you're shooting at!"
Quote:ECSNorway wrote:I wonder why she would find this alarming... unless she's not used to the idea of a sweet natured girl like Nanoha actually being a total bruiser in disguise. I wouldn't know since I haven't read Worm and this is the first Worm-fic I've read.
The second was a bit more
useful, with optional modules for sight and sound integration. "I use
this one a lot myself," she told me. "Great for keeping track of things
on a battlefield."
Bells began going off in my head. I grinned and saved the file. "Sounds
like exactly what I need," I said, and saluted her with the soda bottle
before draining it.
Quote:ECSNorway wrote:*Klaxon rings out, lights go red, machine voice starts chanting, "RED ALERT! RED ALERT! RED ALERT!"*
Then the lights went out.
Quote:ECSNorway wrote:Nice cliffhanger. Looking forward to the next installment. I foresee Taylor and Nanoha becoming good fire-forged friends here in the next few installments.
-- tsuzuku