While I'm kicking my muse to get started on ep 5 instead of coming up with Battletech stuff and Firefly omake, have a bit of Episode 4.
Hiiii, mama!
The holo-image of the young blonde ran around a quick circle in front of the camera as Presea watched. Alicia seemed to be growing up so fast these days... she was already twelve, and starting to show just how beautiful she'd be in only a few short years.
Aunt Lindy says to tell you I've been a good girl, but you know that, right? You're Mama!
Presea smiled softly, listening to her first child relate the news of her life. With the Baerzen Institute so far away from the main reaches of Administered Space, they could only exchange these video letters once a month. It was why she'd sent the girl to stay with Lindy Harlaown in the first place. So far away from other children her age, she'd been afraid that Alicia would end up with stunted development, social and educational issues. They'd already had issues because of Presea's own past. She'd hoped that the respected TSAB officer's sponsorship of young Alicia would help to insulate her from that, and it seemed to be working. Alicia certainly looked happy and healthy.
-- and Aunty Momoko has been letting me help in the cafe, just like Nanoha-oneesama! It's really fun, I get to meet lots of people and try lots of sweet stuff! An' there's chocolate just about everything!
Chocolate and coffee were turning out to be among UA97's biggest trade items with the rest of the settled multiverse, so far. That, and maple syrup seemed to be becoming popular in some of the outer colonies.
Presea leaned back, sipping her tea, and smiled again as Alicia spun her stories of her life on Nanoha's 'Earth'. She was enrolled in a local school, mostly for the chance to spend time with other children her age. Presea had left Linith there, temporarily bonded to the Takamachi woman, to tutor Alicia in the subjects she'd need to keep up with Mid-Childan educational standards.
-- Uncle Shiro came by Aunty Lindy's place to train with some of the Bureau fleet people, too! They were really surprised, he isn't a mage but he's really REALLY good at the local Strike Arts. I asked him how he did it an' he said he practiced lots and lots! So I wanted to try it too and I asked Aunt Lindy and she said it was okay since Mama wanted Alicia to grow up healthy and strong and Uncle Shiro's really strong! So I've got lessons three times a week with Kyouya-niisan and he's really nice about it.
And, ooh, ooh, big, big, BIG news, mama! Fate's ship is getting assigned to Aunty Lindy's squadron for wargames! So she's going to be here for a few months, they're arriving next week! I'll beat her up if she doesn't write to you this time!
Her little girl was picking up the local linguistic oddities, Presea noted. Not really an issue, she decided. She's just talking the way her friends talk. Once she's made some Mid-Childan friends, she'll speak properly. The news of Fate's assignment was of somewhat more import. She hadn't heard from the clone-child since the girl had announced that she was entering the Bureau academy with the Takamachi girl.
Alicia was going on about how Fate had promised to take her on a tour of her ship, and something about making chocolates for the Captain, when the lights went out... and the playback stopped.
"Hrist, do you have the entire message?"
"Affirmative, Master," the device replied from its pendant form.
"Good," Presea said, rising from her seat. "Let's go see what's going on, shall we?"
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Hiiii, mama!
The holo-image of the young blonde ran around a quick circle in front of the camera as Presea watched. Alicia seemed to be growing up so fast these days... she was already twelve, and starting to show just how beautiful she'd be in only a few short years.
Aunt Lindy says to tell you I've been a good girl, but you know that, right? You're Mama!
Presea smiled softly, listening to her first child relate the news of her life. With the Baerzen Institute so far away from the main reaches of Administered Space, they could only exchange these video letters once a month. It was why she'd sent the girl to stay with Lindy Harlaown in the first place. So far away from other children her age, she'd been afraid that Alicia would end up with stunted development, social and educational issues. They'd already had issues because of Presea's own past. She'd hoped that the respected TSAB officer's sponsorship of young Alicia would help to insulate her from that, and it seemed to be working. Alicia certainly looked happy and healthy.
-- and Aunty Momoko has been letting me help in the cafe, just like Nanoha-oneesama! It's really fun, I get to meet lots of people and try lots of sweet stuff! An' there's chocolate just about everything!
Chocolate and coffee were turning out to be among UA97's biggest trade items with the rest of the settled multiverse, so far. That, and maple syrup seemed to be becoming popular in some of the outer colonies.
Presea leaned back, sipping her tea, and smiled again as Alicia spun her stories of her life on Nanoha's 'Earth'. She was enrolled in a local school, mostly for the chance to spend time with other children her age. Presea had left Linith there, temporarily bonded to the Takamachi woman, to tutor Alicia in the subjects she'd need to keep up with Mid-Childan educational standards.
-- Uncle Shiro came by Aunty Lindy's place to train with some of the Bureau fleet people, too! They were really surprised, he isn't a mage but he's really REALLY good at the local Strike Arts. I asked him how he did it an' he said he practiced lots and lots! So I wanted to try it too and I asked Aunt Lindy and she said it was okay since Mama wanted Alicia to grow up healthy and strong and Uncle Shiro's really strong! So I've got lessons three times a week with Kyouya-niisan and he's really nice about it.
And, ooh, ooh, big, big, BIG news, mama! Fate's ship is getting assigned to Aunty Lindy's squadron for wargames! So she's going to be here for a few months, they're arriving next week! I'll beat her up if she doesn't write to you this time!
Her little girl was picking up the local linguistic oddities, Presea noted. Not really an issue, she decided. She's just talking the way her friends talk. Once she's made some Mid-Childan friends, she'll speak properly. The news of Fate's assignment was of somewhat more import. She hadn't heard from the clone-child since the girl had announced that she was entering the Bureau academy with the Takamachi girl.
Alicia was going on about how Fate had promised to take her on a tour of her ship, and something about making chocolates for the Captain, when the lights went out... and the playback stopped.
"Hrist, do you have the entire message?"
"Affirmative, Master," the device replied from its pendant form.
"Good," Presea said, rising from her seat. "Let's go see what's going on, shall we?"
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.