Quote:ECSNorway wrote:Yes, that's much clearer.
Whoops. Thanks for pointint that out, adding corrections.
Nanoha's current blaster spell is not her usual, since it simply won't work on the Device she's using. Instead she's running a stripped-down version of it (compare to lowering the graphics settings on a game so it won't hang your low-end PC's proceassor) dialled back to run on her loaner Device, then tweaked a bit to her specifications. It takes a good bit more system resources to -form- a blaster than it does to maintain it, so she's just "stacking" them as she forms batches. I think I've clarified this in the scene now, she forms the first batch as Taylor forms the drill, the second as she starts on the door, and the third on her way out of the cell. She expends about half of them to take down the second guard (who is already in Barrier Jacket) but still has a good pile left over for the next fight. (Unfortunately, they're not quite resource-low enough for maintenance that she can keep stacking them indefinitely.)
Taylor's Device doesn't have access to the military-grade spell library (except for the Search spell Nanoha deliberately gave her), the spells it comes stocked with are more oriented towards "get a noncombatant OUT OF THE FIGHT". It does have a Blaster, but it's a very low-end one that won't do much against a barrier jacket, and Taylor has already considered it and dismissed it for this part of the breakout. It may come in handy later, however....
@LilFluff: Thanks! More reading material, yay!