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[RFC][SI][Multi-Xover] Being You is Convalescence
Edited for some grammar tweaks. - BA
Yeah, that one time with Twilight was more her being excited about learning what Garrick is - tail-less bipedal omnivore with hunter-gatherer societal roots.

As for someone calling Garrick out on that... Well, physically, he'd eventually demonstrate that he's stronger than Big Macintosh (Juraian strength enhancement FTW). Emotionally, though...

"I no afraid hurt you. I afraid hurt me. I hurt enough." Thus pointing out, unflinchingly and unabashedly, why he refuses contact where possible. This is what will make the story interesting - his fears are very real and very well founded - not irrational in the least. And nopony, from the Cutey Mark Crusaders all the way up to Princess Celestia, will really be able to fault him for it once they stop and think about it.  In fact...
Quote:Dear Princess Celestia

I'm happy to report that my first contact with the alien is a complete success! He is intelligent and... if not friendly, then at least not hostile. Remarkably enough, he has actually been very cooperative.  And he has some incredible and astounding tools! For example, he has his own dwelling with him that is tucked into its own pocket of subspace! I have no idea how he does that, but it seems to be tied to a device that non of the staff here at the clinic were able to remove - it is obvious that the device is never to be removed, no matter the circumstances. However, the most remarkable thing was his Tree!

He has an intelligent tree in his garden and she was able to speak with me through some sort of telepathic means! She even transferred two of his languages into my mind so I'd be able to converse with him - English and Japanese.

I have no idea why she gave me Japanese as well. She'd only laugh and say, "Reasons."

Oh! I forgot about their names! The alien is male and he is named Garrick Grimm and his tree is named Katherine. It took Spike and I a few minutes to figure out how to properly spell their names using our language - it's not exact, but it will get the job done.

Unfortunately, the joy I take in all these discoveries is tainted by the sorrow of Garrick. His arrival here is a horrible mistake - as far as I can glean he has at least one fiance where he came from... and before he was taken away they had just discovered that she was pregnant with his child! If his familial associations are even half as closely knit as the Apple Family's... then I can't even imagine how he's coping!

He seems to have a very clear idea of what is going on with him. He even had a remarkable book written by a close friend of his - a brilliant scientist called Washu Hakubi. Spike and I will work on transcribing this book for your personal review over the next week. Garrick has indicated that this has happened to him once already and that it has happened again is a very bad indicator. I fear he is right, and that brings me to another issue.

While Garrick is being very cooperative, he is behaving in a manner that is anti-social. He is trying to keep matters between he and I very professional, and he has even gone out of his way to explain why: he does not want to make any friends just to lose them when he inevitably leaves our world. Worst of all, I cannot find any real fault in his logic. I tried, at first, likening his departure to death. He simply gave me a long look and said that, "Friends and family are reunited in the afterlife. I will not have that luxury when I leave here."

I... I couldn't say anything. He just walked away and shut himself inside his living space.

Princess Celestia, I understand that I am still learning about the Magic of Friendship... but I have no idea what to do and it is breaking my heart! I always was afraid of having a coltfriend for this reason, but I never imagined that a stranger could do this to me! Please help me find a way to make him, and me in turn, feel better!

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle
Quote:My Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle,
I am quite relieved to know that our visitor is not hostile... but I am nonetheless troubled by what you have related to me.
Someone like Garrick cannot really be forced to open up.  They can only do so of their own volition.  Until such a time comes, all I can suggest is to be there for him.  Try to involve him in matters where you can, and make sure that he knows that he is welcome.
In the meantime, I will make preparations for him to have an audience with me here in Canterlot.  It will be a quiet affair, so I need to set the date sometime in advance to ensure I have a clear day.  I will provide you with more details later.
In the mean time, follow my advice, My Faithful Student.
Your Mentor,Princess Celestia
Sorry, I don't quite recall how Celestia signs off her letters with Twilight.
The audience he has with the Princesses will be interesting because, as I mentioned before, they'll be quick to notice the hint of the divine that Garrick holds within his soul, magnified by his connection to Tsunami via Katherine.  Also, Luna will feel an especially sharp pang for Garrick since she's gone through similar herself.  Being banished to the moon for a thousand years has its consequences, and there are ponies she won't really get to see again.

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