Quote:trantos wrote:You're talking about Jail's Gadget Drones. The Type-4 gadget drone is precisely what you've said.
I thought the Mark IVs were Belkan designs that Jail found on the cradle. They seemed like disposable stealth attackers more then anything else.
The M-Drone is an original, AU line of artificial, autonomous (for a varying level of 'autonomy') combat unit. Similar concept, but a different combat model.
Gadgets are designed as combat cyborg support weapons, basically. AMF, to remove mages' ability to fight without impeding cyborgs. A light, dodgy/shooty drone, a dedicated air superiority drone, and a heavy ground combat drone... plus the old Belkan units that inspired them.
The basic M-Drone paradigm is more modeled off of mage combat. You have the primary drones, which can fly, shield, and shoot like mages, and the secondary drones, which act as fire-support and flanking elements for the primaries. They also help compensate for one of the weaknesses of the drone system- higher-leveled mages. The Mark IIIs tend to top out well below Chrono in output, so you need to either deploy them in multiples or give them support to handle Enforcers at higher levels.
The Is and IIIs were also designed as prototypes/testbeds/funding generators for the Mark IV, which is why the scientist who designed them originally went to the Syndicate in the first place.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.