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[RFC] [Meta-riffic] The Untitled Multiverse Project
Yep! Thank you very much.

And I'll try to get my write up of the 'Heavy Saucer' up sometime soon. (IE, with actual diplomatic contact with a nation that has heavy combat ships, someone decided Mobius should have their own. It'll be an interesting attempt to mix what they've gotten in a larger scale, even if not entirely successful...)

On the technology side, unless someone asks not, the only setting I mean to reference that wasn't mentioned in post 42 will be old style X-Com, just to note down my source. Also on technology, my opinion is that the big reason why Thaumotech is never going to be standard any time soon is that its too hard to produce in sustained reliable large numbers. So while lots of people have some one off artifact or device or whatever (For certain amounts of 'lots of people') they either made themselves, got while universe hoping, or were gifted by a friend/patron, nothing is standardized because of the limited availability.

Meanwhile, normal tech that can be understood, used, and most importantly produced by everyone might not be as 'good', but at least you have enough of it to make sure everyone has a copy.

Edit : Though I guess depending on how the 'Babylon' thing goes they could import some stuff from TSAB, but I doubt they'd want to be dependent on that for anything they really need for the obvious reasons.


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