I just stumbled over this over on Twisting the Hellmouth. It's barely in the beginning of the story from the feel of it, but it looks like it has
some serious potential. A Klingon ship comes across a decaying ship of pre-Federation human manufacture in Klingon space. On its side is written:
here sleeps the slayer
our protector
the end of evil
the enemy of the evildoer
the destroyer of evil things
our lives in one hand
their deaths in the other
she sleeps
do not wake her
Yes, it's a Buffy crossover. And like I said, while there isn't much, yet, it shows potential.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
some serious potential. A Klingon ship comes across a decaying ship of pre-Federation human manufacture in Klingon space. On its side is written:
here sleeps the slayer
our protector
the end of evil
the enemy of the evildoer
the destroyer of evil things
our lives in one hand
their deaths in the other
she sleeps
do not wake her
Yes, it's a Buffy crossover. And like I said, while there isn't much, yet, it shows potential.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.