For the love of whatever; just write. It doesn't matter if other people think it's good or bad; just write.
Doing this semi-stream of consciousness style I do, made it a lot easier to get over that, 'Will it be good enough?' hurdle. When I'm starting a story, I plan a very vague path (crossovers, general Mcguffins, locales, probably the the basics of the finale). Then I sit down and begin to write. Research is as needed when needed, and any of the things decided on in the general path planning can alter drastically if I get a better idea.
There are those people (DianeCastle), who are goddesses of prep and planning and those techniques work superbly for them. I've worked with Diane a lot (comparatively) and I understand her methods, but they're not for me.
Je ne suis pas une Intelligence Artificielle Turing. Je suis Charlie.
Doing this semi-stream of consciousness style I do, made it a lot easier to get over that, 'Will it be good enough?' hurdle. When I'm starting a story, I plan a very vague path (crossovers, general Mcguffins, locales, probably the the basics of the finale). Then I sit down and begin to write. Research is as needed when needed, and any of the things decided on in the general path planning can alter drastically if I get a better idea.
There are those people (DianeCastle), who are goddesses of prep and planning and those techniques work superbly for them. I've worked with Diane a lot (comparatively) and I understand her methods, but they're not for me.
Je ne suis pas une Intelligence Artificielle Turing. Je suis Charlie.