Quote: sweno wrote:I listed it already. Not sure how significant a part of the setting it is aside from Kei and Yuri, but yeah.
Dirty Pair should be there, it was part of the core series.
Quote: I have introduced several people to the series with Symphony of the Sword.I tried starting SotS. Still had trouble getting into it. Maybe I should wait until I've seen Utena, I'm already planning to do that
It is well written, fairly self contained, and serves as a good hook for the rest of the series.
before reading the second volume of Hybrid Theory anyway.
Quote: But tossing the core stories at someone from the get-go? I know I wouldn't have finished reading them if I ran across those stories nowadays.I think part of the problem is that the Core page
I've become far too jaded against Self Inserts of that caliber (Now With Concentrated Cool!).
explicitly says "They should be read first if this is your first visit to the UF universe."
Quote: I'm just hoping that they will (someday) get around to doing a Core 2.0. Because I know that with as much experience as they have now, a much moreHuh. I'd thought the same thing. Well, the 20th anniversary is coming up in three years...
elegant job could be done.
Quote: OpMegs wrote:Okay, okay. So...how is this any different from if Kilovolt was a completely original character?
Given Geoff's SI's run a fairly consistent plotline since his introduction, with distinct elements, it's possible that it's a setup for
something later. Examples include the Red Skull plotline slowly gaining momentum, and Geoff's training with the Ignatine(incidentally, the concept of
Revy from Black Lagoon having ANY experience with the warrior monks is enough to send me belly-laughing for a good long while). That, coupled with Steve
Rogers' request that Geoff start rounding up members for this new incarnation of the Invaders, greatly increases the concept that Makoto will reappear,
and will have more than just a shout out status.
And even if she's not used later on by another author, she's in the 'verse now, and another of UF's
numerous contributors may, in fact, utilize her.
Blades introduced us to Sith Knight Rei(as well as UF's counterparts of Shinji and Asuka, IIRC) and we've slowly but surely been seeing the
progression involved there in Warriors of the Outer Rim. Just because something comes completely out of left field in one story doesn't mean it won't
be explained ever again.
Pronounced "shy guy."