New Story
OC looks at the numbers that didn't get fudged by Carter about Nevada.
Remember kids, it's very, very hard to cover everything.
I read a lot of fiction.
A lot, a lot.
Like I get snapish and testy when I don't have enough content a lot.
The regular story posts help me get my fix at a price that doesn't bankrupt me and spelling and style that doesn't give me an urge to edit.
EDIT: BeeDazzled hits chapter 19. ... azzled.htm
OC looks at the numbers that didn't get fudged by Carter about Nevada.
Remember kids, it's very, very hard to cover everything.
I read a lot of fiction.
A lot, a lot.
Like I get snapish and testy when I don't have enough content a lot.
The regular story posts help me get my fix at a price that doesn't bankrupt me and spelling and style that doesn't give me an urge to edit.
EDIT: BeeDazzled hits chapter 19. ... azzled.htm