Quote: May: Tuck in behind me. Whatever happens, don't stop.THIS.
He puts his foot down. HAMMOND blinks at him in astonishment.
Ext. Day. Coast Road. The LAMBO slides into a tight trailing formation behind the KMW,
which is accelerating toward the roadblock. A MARINE holds up his hand for the KMW to halt, but is ignored.
Int. Day. KMW cabin. MAY, a furious scowl on his face, drives straight toward the
roadblock -
Ext. Day. Coast Road. - ignoring the flurry of ill-aimed blasterfire this draws, and
smashes it down with the KMW's bumper.
Int. Day. KMW cabin. HAMMOND hides behind the dash, occasionally glancing at MAY as if
he thinks he's gone insane.
May: (shouting in Klingon)
Subtitle: Honorless dogs! Make way for Captain Slow!