The other day I found myself pondering the switch off of Sgt Pepper and the Howling Commandos vs Sgt Fury's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and I started thinking about other sgts...
Sgt Schultz and the Howling CommandosSgt Schultz's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt Slaughter and the Howling CommandosSgt Slaughter's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt Rock's Lonely Hearts Club Band (sort of a more modern take on Sgt Pepper's version)Sgt (B.A.) Barracus and the Howling CommandosSgt (B.A.) Barracus's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt Batou's Lonely Hearts Club Band (with Tachikoma back up singers)Sgt Benton and the Howling Commandos (Does this make the Commandos part of UNIT?)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Sgt Schultz and the Howling CommandosSgt Schultz's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt Slaughter and the Howling CommandosSgt Slaughter's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt Rock's Lonely Hearts Club Band (sort of a more modern take on Sgt Pepper's version)Sgt (B.A.) Barracus and the Howling CommandosSgt (B.A.) Barracus's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt Batou's Lonely Hearts Club Band (with Tachikoma back up singers)Sgt Benton and the Howling Commandos (Does this make the Commandos part of UNIT?)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin