Seems to me that Alta is not affiliated with the Skull Squadron, but that Michael and some of the others in their little flight team are. If the subbing I've got is correct there's also some reason that he can't sign up for the Spacy to fly a vf when he gets out of school (although the reason is unstated).
Not that this will keep him from his Destiny as a Mecha Pilot, but it does make me wonder at the reason. Legal trouble? Medical restriction? UN Spacy policy of refusing Saotome family members from signing up in case they develop love triangles?
As for Sheryl, she's a bit snotty during the evacuation but yeah, can't fault her for evacuating and it's not like she's pushing people out of the way. The 'Listen to my Song' is probably standard for performers by this point due to Basara.
The VF-25 is interesting, looks like a VF-19 with VF-1 wings. And the animation is mind-blowing. Hope they can keep it up.
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Not that this will keep him from his Destiny as a Mecha Pilot, but it does make me wonder at the reason. Legal trouble? Medical restriction? UN Spacy policy of refusing Saotome family members from signing up in case they develop love triangles?
As for Sheryl, she's a bit snotty during the evacuation but yeah, can't fault her for evacuating and it's not like she's pushing people out of the way. The 'Listen to my Song' is probably standard for performers by this point due to Basara.
The VF-25 is interesting, looks like a VF-19 with VF-1 wings. And the animation is mind-blowing. Hope they can keep it up.
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.