Quote:About three years ago, I read a review of 1632 by a fellow who was not merely dubious but opposed to the idea that 20th-Century-style American democracy was a better thing than the Thirty Years War. Of course, this "gentleman" then went on to say that what he'd like to see was a story of mid-21st-Century America in civil war and societal breakdown, with a time-displaced Waffen SS division "setting things to rights." I leave it to you to judge what sort of person thinks Nazis establishing "order" in a multi-racial nation is a good idea.
A bit dubious about the whole "spreading democracy" thing (pretty sure that wouldn't really work outside a work of fantasy)
I enthusiastically second recommendations for the 1632 and Vorkosigan books, just in case you needed another vote. David Weber is a little more problematic for me -- I generally like the personalities of his heroes/heroines (especially in the series starting with Mutineers' Moon), but his royalism rubs this small-R republican the wrong way. Always remember: any king is either a smart and lucky murderer and robber, or the descendant of one.-----
Those who believed the laws of physics made things "possible" or "impossible" were mistaken. Time travel violated one of those laws. Physics took its *revenge*.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.