Well, in a normal dcc, the receiver opens a connection to the sender. It doesn't work if the sender is behind a firewall that blocks incoming connections.
With the dccserver method, the sender opens a connection to the receiver. So if it's not working after you type that command, maybe *you're* behind a firewall that blocks incoming connections...
-Morgan, how do I get BlueSoleil to ask the pin to connect to this damn headset?"Mikuru-chan molested me! I'm... so happy!"
-Haruhi, "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
---(Not really)
With the dccserver method, the sender opens a connection to the receiver. So if it's not working after you type that command, maybe *you're* behind a firewall that blocks incoming connections...
-Morgan, how do I get BlueSoleil to ask the pin to connect to this damn headset?"Mikuru-chan molested me! I'm... so happy!"
-Haruhi, "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
---(Not really)